Whole Life & Embodied Carbon

Whole life carbon considers all of the emissions from throughout the construction, use, and disposal of a building.

It includes embodied, construction, and operational carbon, giving the broadest and most complete picture of a building’s total impact over its lifespan.

Whole life carbon assessment and management is essential for projects aiming for net zero carbon. Several industry bodies have set out targets and guidance required for reducing whole lifecycle carbon.

Understanding what these targets mean, where to focus efforts, and how best to deliver for different buildings requires technical analysis and informed advice, to ensure buy-in from all disciplines across the project team.

  • Image: Max Fordham Info
    Whole Life Carbon
  • Image: Max Fordham Info
    An example whole life carbon impact by resource and subtype (total kg CO2e)

Whole Life & Embodied Carbon

Whole life and Embodied Carbon Leader