
Friends House

Friends House

Friends House is the home of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain, located in Euston, London.

The Grade II listed building, designed by Hubert Lidbetter, won the RIBA Bronze Medal in 1927. Max Fordham worked with architects John McAslan + Partners on the transformation of the Large Meeting House at the headquarters building.

The design brief included improving the building fabric to reduce heat losses and providing a new ventilation system to improve heating and ventilation. We also introduced a cooling system to prevent existing overheating issues.

The meeting house features a roof light inspired by the work of artist James Turrell. The diffuse, ambient light lends a tranquil quality to this communal space. To complement the roof light, low energy LED lighting has been provided to tailor illumination according to external daylight levels and different room uses.  

Seating over 1,000 people, the Friends House Meeting House is a versatile and accessible space that responds to the growing needs of the outreach and social programmes of the organisation.


John McAslan & Partners






Religious Society of Friends

Hufton + Crow Info
Low energy task and feature lighting augments the existing natural daylight.
Hufton + Crow Info
The mechanical ventilation system in the meeting room automatically adjusts to occupation levels and heat gains.

The artwork of James Turrell inspired the roof light that features in the transformed meeting room

Image: Hufton + Crow


John McAslan & Partners






Religious Society of Friends