Our offices: Net zero carbon 2021-22

We’re proud to report that our offices have been verified as being net zero carbon (for operational energy related emissions) in accordance with the UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Building Framework for the period 2018-2019.
To achieve this, we’ve invested in our offices over the past 10 years to reduce energy demand, improve metering, and we’ve added some renewable electricity generation. We’ve appointed a team of Energy Champions to monitor and manage our energy use, and we’ve purchased carbon credits to offset the remaining CO2 emissions that result from the operation of our five offices.
The work we’ve carried out has put us at the forefront of the net zero carbon revolution, has provided valuable insight into how net zero carbon buildings can be designed and operated, and has been instrumental in further development of the UKGBC Framework.
Our energy data and carbon emissions analysis is written up and published in our UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Report. This has been verified as being in accordance with the UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework by a 3rd party auditor, Etude. Their report can be found here.