We're shortlisted for Net Zero Advisor of the Year!

9 August 2021

The short­list for this year’s Con­sul­tan­cy and Engi­neer­ing Awards has been an­nounced by the As­so­ci­a­tion for Con­sul­tan­cy and Engi­neer­ing (ACE), and we're honoured to an­nounce we've been short­list­ed for Net Zero Ad­vi­sor of the Year!

With the desire to tackle the climate and biodiversity emergency our world is facing at the heart of our partnership, this recognition means a lot to us.

The Launch of our Net Zero Car­bon Guide, be­ing the first build­ing de­sign­ers to have all of their of­fices ver­i­fied as net zero car­bon against the UKGBC frame­work as well as the Prac­tice’s fi­nan­cial com­mit­ment and in­vest­ment in zero car­bon will have all played a role in mak­ing the short­list.

The pres­ti­gious awards, which cel­e­brate the out­stand­ing peo­ple, teams and projects from the world of con­sul­tan­cy, en­gi­neer­ing and the built en­vi­ron­ment, re­turn this year as a vir­tu­al cer­e­mo­ny. The win­ners will be un­veiled on the ACE web­site at www.acenet.co.uk on Thurs­day 16th Septem­ber 2021 at 12 noon.

"Getting shortlisted shows the Industry's recognition for the Practice's experience and guidance on delivering net zero carbon, which is fantastic news. Our net zero carbon work is a collective effort, and has involved hard work from all corners of the Practice, so we will be crossing our fingers and toes for a win at the Awards! What's more, the next steps for our net zero carbon programme are in motion as we take relevant projects on site, as well as expanding our knowledge on the embodied carbon of M&E." - Katie Clemence-Jackson, Senior Engineer and Partner at Max Fordham