Matt Thomas

MPhys MInstP

Principal Engineer, Partner

By carefully exploring the brief I get to understand both what the client wants for their project, and what they need. My technical skill is to translate that into a strong design that a contractor can build, and we can deliver.

I come to any design discussion with an open mind and a thorough understanding of how our designs can be built. In a multi-disciplinary team I’m ready to push and be pushed in order to find the best solutions for each project.

I'm fortunate to have worked with some inspiring designers, consultants, and clients. From them, I’ve learnt the value of contributing beyond my discipline to improve how people will relate to the building we produce.

Listening is a big part of this process. It’s important to pick up the subtleties and implicit assumptions of project requirements, so I can understand what’s vital, relevant or not, and lead to the creation a building that feels like it fits from day one of handover.

Matt Thomas