Utilities infrastructure

A carefully considered and fully integrated utilities strategy is essential to a successful and sustainable masterplan. Our team of specialised engineers and energy consultants is experienced in developing agile utilities strategies for large and complex sites, and helping to reduce cost and programme risks.

Brick building on street with parked car in the evening

About utilities infrastructure

Working closely with our mechanical, electrical and public health (MEP) engineers and strategic sustainability consultants, our specialist utilities engineers are adept at quickly developing, from the earliest project stages, a comprehensive understanding of a site’s energy, MEP, and sustainability strategies. This understanding allows us to rapidly respond to project updates and design changes, particularly in relation to the phasing and energy strategies that are often the most volatile elements of a masterplan.

Fully integrated with the wider design team, we can move both quickly and flexibly. Our utilities strategies are agile and adaptable to future changes in energy provision – especially the electrification of heat and the associated complex expansion of the UK’s electrical infrastructure. Underpinning our approach is our thorough understanding of mechanical and electrical engineering: just as in buildings, we ensure that utilities are not oversized and not prohibitively expensive. 

We recognise that utilities infrastructure is often a major source of potential risk, especially on complex urban regeneration masterplans. Our integration with the design team and our clear, timely, and effective communication with utility providers all help mitigate that risk. We engage with utilities providers as early as possible – often using our technical understanding to challenge their initial programme, viability, and cost estimates – to help reduce both project risks and project costs.

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